
Set 52 Problem number 5


How much current results when a potential difference of 10 volts is maintained across a resistance of 29 ohms?  How much power is required to maintain this current?


A greater resistance implies a lesser current, while a greater voltage implies a greater current.

By definition of an ohm a circuit has a resistance of 1 ohm if a 1 volt potential difference results in a current of 1 ampere.

Thus the 10 volt potential difference and the 29 ohm resistance result in a current of I = 10 volts / ( 29 ohms) = .3448 volts/ohm = .3448 amperes, or .3448 C/s.

A current of .3448 C/s through a potential difference of 10 volts results in ( .3448 C/s)( 10 J/C) = 3.448 J/s = 3.448 watts.

Generalized Solution

An ohm is the unit of resistance which permits 1 ampere of current to flow in response to a 1 volt potential difference.

Explanation in terms of Figure(s), Extension

The figure below charts the relationships among voltage, resistance, current and power.

The relationship P = I * V can be combined with either I = V / R or with V = I * R to yield either P = I * (I * R) = I^2 * R or P = (V / R ) * V = V^2 / R.


voltage_resistance_current_power.gif (3096 bytes)
